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Human Resources Supervisory Federation Contracts
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Supervisory Federation Contracts Story 1 ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION Broward County recognizes the Federation of Public Employees, a Division of the National Federation of Public and Private Employees AFL-CIO, as the exclusive representative for purposes of collective bargaining with respect to rates of ...
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Air Monitoring Air Quality Index
... 16 15 0 0 June 29 1 0 0 July 14 17 0 0 August 16 15 0 0 September 27 3 0 0 October 26 4 1 0 November 30 0 0 0 December 28 2 1 0 TOTAL 244 118 3 0 Percent 66.85% 32.33% 0.82% 0% 2022 AQI Summary Month Number of Good Days Number of Moderate Days Number of Unhealthy for Sensitive Group Days Number of Unhealthy Days January 25 6 0 0 February 25 3 0 0 March 20 ...
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Sea Turtles Sea Turtle Lighting
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Sea Turtle Lighting Story 1 Artificial Lighting and Nesting Females Florida's coastline has become increasingly developed over the past century, introducing a new threat to sea turtles. Artificial lighting emanates from the condominiums, hotels, businesses, and homes that are built on or adjacent to ...
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Flood Zone Maps Vertical Datum
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Vertical Datum Story 1 In an effort to reduce the effects of flooding, Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has updated the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Broward County. One of the main goals of this effort is to more ...
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Local Conditions Water Resource Assessment
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Water Resource Assessment Story 1 Floridan Aquifer Feasibility Study The use of the Floridan Aquifer as an alternative water supply with increasing population and possible loss of traditional sources (to saltwater intrusion) requires additional studies for optimal and sustainable use. Phase 1 The ...
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Water Quality Water Quality Report for 2023
Rolando Nagaglioni, Engineering Division Director, was awarded the Florida Section American Society of Civil Engineers Government Engineer of the Year Award. 2022 Florida ... For a printed copy of this report, contact: Water and Wastewater Operations Division Phone: 954-831-0810 Fax: 954-831-0842 To view the 2022 Water Quality Report online, go to: ...
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Sea Turtles Threats
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Threats Story 1 Sea turtle populations have been seriously reduced globally through a number of human influences including artificial lighting, plastic and marine debris, beach erosion and coastal armoring, and as bycatch in commercial fishing. Other influences include illegal sea turtle shell trade, ...
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Broward Addiction Recovery Broward Addiction Recovery
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Carousel Image 1 Services Carousel Caption 1 Carousel Image 2 Services Carousel Caption 2 Carousel Image 3 Carousel Caption 3 Previous Next Quick Links About Us Story 1 Broward Addiction Recovery Center (BARC) is proudly accredited through The Joint Commission. This accreditation illustrates our ...
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Water Conservation Green Infrastructure
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Story 0 Stormwater Stormwater management is an integral part of everyday life in Broward County ... even when it's not raining. With abundant rainfall and a relatively flat landscape, the infrastructure required for the treatment, storage and management of stormwater runoff is all around us - from ...
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Resilience Spotlight : City Furniture
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Story 0 Ps2Mz-cR.png Above: City Furniture's new electric yard tractor produces less noise, vibration and heat than diesel versions. C limate change is not a problem that can be fully tackled by the public sector alone. Only through collaboration and partnership between all stakeholders, and we're ...
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Human Resources Local Port Fire Agreement
Turn on more accessible mode Turn off more accessible mode Local Port Fire Agreement Story 1 PREAMBLE This Agreement made and entered into by and between BROWARD COUNTY, hereinafter called the County, and PORT EVERGLADES FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Local 1989, International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, CLC, hereinafter called the Union, has as ...
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Broward Commissioners Earmark District Funds for Community Programs...
Banner Image Missing Broward Commissioners Earmark District Funds for Community Programs and Services DATE: January 12, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: (954) 357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Community programs, non-profit organizations, social services, recreational ...
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Broward Commissioners Favor Expanded Living Wage Ordinance
Banner Image Missing Broward Commissioners Favor Expanded Living Wage Ordinance DATE: May 5, 2015 CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe, Public Information Manager Broward County Commission PHONE: 954-357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward County Commissioners favor expansion of the County's current living wage ordinance to include all contracted ...
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Broward Commission Opposes Global BDS Movement
Banner Image Missing Broward Commission Opposes Global BDS Movement BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward Commissioners have passed a resolution strongly opposing the Global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, known as BDS and encourages peaceful negotiations to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Israel. "Many communities have passed resolutions in ...
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Broward Commissioners Support Holocaust Insurance Accountability...
Banner Image Missing Broward Commissioners Support Holocaust Insurance Accountability Act 2019 BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward Commissioners want survivors of the Holocaust era to have the right to sue insurance companies with whom they have legitimate claims. Commissioners unanimously supported a resolution urging the United States Congress to enact the ...
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Celebrate Women's History Month
Banner Image Missing Celebrate Women's History Month - 15 women who advocate for voting rights for all are being honored - BROWARD COUNTY, FL - In observance of Women's History Month, the Broward County Commission on the Status of Women is honoring 15 Broward County women who exemplify "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to Be Silenced." This year's theme ...
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Monica Cepero Selected as the Next County Administrator
With nearly 30 years of state and local government management experience, nearly half of it with Broward County, Monica is ready to take the reins for the County organization upon Bertha's retirement in March 2022. Prior to joining Broward County, Monica was responsible for the policy and budget recommendations of $6.5 billion for the environment and ...
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Broward Commissioner Mark Bogen Launches Fraud Protection Program
Banner Image Missing Broward Commissioner Mark Bogen Launches Fraud Protection Program DATE: September 20, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: 954-357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL- Don't get scammed! If you do, call Broward Commissioner Mark Bogen. An attorney by trade and a ...
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New Tow Trucks Rules Approved in Broward County
Banner Image Missing New Tow Trucks Rules Approved in Broward County Consumer Protection a Priority DATE: August 18, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: 954-357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - It's not exactly a selfie, but the series of photos will come in handy if you suspect ...
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Franklin Park Estates Welcomes Eighteen New Homeowners
Banner Image Missing Franklin Park Estates Welcomes Eighteen New Homeowners DATE: July 29, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: (954) 357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Eighteen happy families were officially welcomed to their new homes in Franklin Park Estates today. The three ...
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Commissioners Ban Fracking in Broward County
Banner Image Missing Commissioners Ban Fracking in Broward County DATE: January 26, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: (954) 357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - County Commissioners unanimously banned any type of hydraulic and acid fracturing, known as "fracking", to extract oil ...
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Commissioners Propose New Laws for Transportation Network Companies
Banner Image Missing Commissioners Propose New Laws for Transportation Network Companies DATE: August 13, 2015 CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward Commission PHONE: 954-357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward County Commissioners will consider new rules for transportation network companies (TNCs) as they ...
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Broward Commission Approves New Program to Find Jobs for the...
Banner Image Missing Broward Commission Approves New Program to Find Jobs for the "Hard to Hire" DATE: April 8, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe, Public Information Manager Broward County Board of County Commissioners PHONE: 954-357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. - People who find it difficult to get a job may soon find many more ...
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County Takes Action to Assist Residents in the Caribbean
Banner Image Missing County Takes Action to Assist Residents in the Caribbean - Local elected Caribbean women host meeting Tuesday to discuss - BROWARD COUNTY, FL - The Broward County Commission and other local elected officials are moving swiftly to respond to the needs of communities left devastated by Hurricane Beryl. Beryl became the earliest Category 5 ...
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Broward Considers "Ban the Box" Ordinance
Banner Image Missing Broward Considers "Ban the Box" Ordinance Public Hearing Scheduled for June 14th DATE: May 26, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe Public Information Manager, Broward County Commission PHONE: (954) 357-8053 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward County may soon join other governments across the country and "ban the box." ...
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Broward County Libraries Division: Addressing Social Issues and...
Banner Image Missing Broward County Libraries Division: Addressing Social Issues and Providing Community Support DATE: September 16, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Catherine McElrath Libraries Division PHONE: 954-357-7402 EMAIL: BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Public libraries in the United States have always served a wide variety of functions, from simply ...
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Support AIDS Awareness Month
Banner Image Missing Support AIDS Awareness Month - Wear red on Tuesday, December 3rd - BROWARD COUNTY, FL - December is AIDS Awareness Month and in support, the Ryan White Part A Program encourages everyone to wear red on Tuesday, December 3rd, to further community awareness. Ryan White service providers will be honored that morning in the presentation of a ...
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Trade Missions Bring Business to Broward County
Banner Image Missing Trade Missions Bring Business to Broward County -Local companies find international opportunity- BROWARD COUNTY, FL -Mayor Dale V.C. Holness continues his mission to bring prosperity to all as he travels nationally and internationally to attract companies to Broward County and assist local businesses wanting to expand to new markets. In ...
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County to Launch CARES Grant Program
Banner Image Missing County to Launch CARES Grant Program - Funds to help small businesses and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 - BROWARD COUNTY, FL - The County Commission is establishing a grant program using CARES Act funds for small businesses and non-profits in Broward County to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. The Broward County CARES Act Small ...
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Commissioners Reaffirm Priorities for Fiscal Year 2023
Banner Image Missing Commissioners Reaffirm Priorities for Fiscal Year 2023 BROWARD COUNTY, FL - A County government accountable to the people, that ensures economic opportunity for all and promotes a resilient, healthy, and connected community. On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners met to reaffirm those goals and share ...
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