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Library's Adulting 101 Series Wins Library of Congress State Literacy Award
- Life-skills workshop earns recognition, $2.225 award -

BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward County Library's Adutling 101 program, a series of free life-skills workshops, has been selected as a recipient of a 2019 Library of Congress State Literacy Award, administered through the Library of Congress Center for the Book. The $2,225 award is in recognition of Adulting 101's outstanding contributions to the promotion of literacy to explore and demystify the reality of being an "adult" in the local community. 

Adulting 101 is held at seven different library locations throughout Broward. The series empowers adults of any age with the skills to master life’s challenges, including topics such as budgeting, organizing, exploring housing options, grocery shopping and more. Participants will develop these skills and more under the guidance of live instructors. All Adulting 101 workshops are free and open to the public. 

"We're honored to receive this prestigious recognition and to offer award-winning programs such as Adulting 101 to our customers," says Broward County Libraries Director Kelvin Watson. "It's another way to invite the community to re-imagine a 21st-century Broward County Library, one that's meeting our customers where they are with programs and events that meaningfully impact their lives." 

For a list of upcoming workshops, events, please visit Broward County Library's "Adulting 101" web page.  

The Library of Congress State Literacy Awards Program is made possible through the generous support of David M. Rubenstein.#PromoteLiteracy.

bout Broward County Libraries Division 
Broward County Libraries Divisionnamed 2015 Library of the Year by the Florida Library Association, was founded in 1974 and is the largest library system in Florida by square footage and one of the busiest, with more than 7.5 million walk-in customers visiting its 38 locations annually.Broward County Libraries Division provides convenient access to a full range of innovative and cost-effective services that satisfy the changing needs of the people of Broward County for information, education and recreation. Visit our website,, or follow Libraries on Facebook and Twitter.

DATE: April 1, 2019
MEDIA CONTACT: Catherine McElrath
Libraries Division 
PHONE: 954-357-7402