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Broward County Commission Takes Action to Support Ukraine
Supports Russian boycott, withdrawal of Russian troops, State sanctions

BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Commissioners passed two resolutions today supporting the people of Ukraine by asking for a boycott of companies doing business with Russia, asking the State of Florida to divest any funds related to Russia and asking for a prompt end to the conflict and withdrawal of Russian troops. 

A Ukrainian refugee and several people from the Ukraine spoke to Commissioners at today's meeting asking for help for the Ukrainian people who remain under attack from Russian forces.  One woman managed to escape from a small town in Ukraine and came to Broward County with her three children. 

Commissioner Mark Bogen proposed a resolution passed by the majority of the Board to encourage Broward County's near two million residents and visitors to boycott companies that continue to do business in Russia. Commissioner Nan Rich added to the resolution asking the State of Florida to divest from assets and companies owned by or headquartered in Russia and to expand the list of scrutinized companies with which state and local governments may not transact business to include equivalent Russian companies.  The resolution will be sent to the Florida Governor and State Legislature.

"While we applaud those businesses that have ceased their operations in Russia, we need to urge the public to boycott those businesses that continue to provide services and products in Russia" said Bogen. Commissioner Bogen noted several companies continuing to do business and profit in Russia as they attack Ukrainian people. He referred to a Yale University study that is tracking companies doing business with Russia.

Commissioner Tim Ryan brought forward a resolution, passed unanimously, condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine; supporting the independent, sovereign nation of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, including the local Ukrainian American population; urging a prompt end to the conflict, a full withdrawal of Russian forces, and financial reparations by Russia to rebuild Ukraine.

Commissioner Ryan noted that "the local Ukrainian-American community has led South Florida in an outpouring of support for the Ukrainian people, including rallies against the Russian invasion, shipments of humanitarian goods and supplies and fundraisers to support Ukrainian citizens who are now refugees."

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and experts estimate that more than 100,000 Russian troops have been deployed to destroy the independent and sovereign nation of Ukraine.  Thousands of Ukrainians have been killed and millions of its citizens are now refugees.  

April 5, 2022

Kimberly Maroe
Commission Public Information Mgr.
(954) 357-8053
