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County Food Drive Delivers More than One Ton of Food for Families in Need

BROWARD COUNTY, FL – Hunger Action Month was extended through November this year due to increased community need during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The latest statistics from Feeding South Florida indicate that 17.1%, or 333,925 people living in Broward County are food insecure. More than 107,000 are children. 

“There’s an incredible sense of urgency with the coronavirus food assistance program no longer in place and CARES Act funds going away at the end of the month. Feeding South Florida serves about 16 million pounds of food a month to our community. That’s going to drop by about 8.3 million pounds a month,” said Feeding South Florida CEO and President Paco Velez.

Every year Broward Commissioner Dr. Barbara Sharief and Broward County Government partners with Feeding South Florida to support and promote September as Hunger Action Month. This year, the effort was extended through November. 

The most recent countywide food collection, delivered on Tuesday, netted 2,112 pounds of food, the equivalent of 1,760 meals, due to generous donations from Broward County employees made at collection boxes located at government buildings throughout the County. In October, more than one ton of food was collected to feed hungry families in Broward.

“When you see the food lines, you understand the gravity of the situation here in Broward County.  We’re trying to help families with food supplies to take people who are experiencing food insecurity through the holidays. We want people to continue to donate to make sure that food is available to residents in need,” said Commissioner Dr. Barbara Sharief. 

Collections boxes can be found at various locations throughout Broward County for the 365 Food Drive that is maintained throughout the year. Donations that are collected are distributed to numerous food banks and organizations feeding those in need in Broward County.


December 9, 2020 

Media Contact:
Kimberly Maroe
Public Information Manager
Broward Commission
(954) 357-8053  

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