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Stand Up For Freedom Rally in Pembroke Pines - Monday July 26th

BROWARD COUNTY, FL – There are an estimated 700,000 Hispanics who call Broward County home.  Many came from Cuba to South Florida seeking opportunity and the one thing Americans enjoy most: Freedom. 

On Monday, July 26th, Broward Mayor Steve Geller will hold a Stand Up for Freedom Rally in the Courtyard of Pembroke Pines City Hall, 601 City Center Way, in Pembroke Pines from 5:30PM-7:30PM to show support for the people of Cuba who have been denied basic human rights such as access to medical care, food and the ability to publicly protest to express their despair and need. 

“The Cuban People have spent the last 60 years under the yoke of a brutal communist dictatorship.  South Florida has benefitted greatly from the influx of exiles from Cuba, but people should not have to flee their homeland to find peace, freedom, and economic security. I stand with the Cuban people and call on the Cuban government to respect the rights of the Cuban Community to protest peacefully, without the arrests and physical violence that have been reported, and further to hold free and fair elections on the Island to secure democracy. I call upon the Cuban Government to ensure food, good medical care, and humanitarian treatment for their people," said Geller.

The public is invited to attend to show support from Broward County. 

“Tens of thousands of Cuban people from cities throughout Cuba are bravely demonstrating, in the face of great threat from their communist government.  We want them to know that Broward County is sympathetic to their cry for humanitarian treatment and that we stand by them as they demand freedom and respect from their government as all human beings deserve,” said Geller.   

Stand Up for Freedom Rally 
Monday, July 26, 2021
Pembroke Pines City Hall Courtyard
601 City Center Way
Pembroke Pines, FL  33025 

July 23, 2021 

Kimberly Maroe 
Public Information Manager
Broward County Commission
(954) 357-8053