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County Earns High-Rating for Resilience on Climate and Environmental Report
- Resilient Environment Department sets goal to reduce future emissions -

BROWARD COUNTY, FL -- The County's Resilient Environment Department scored an A- on the 2021 Climate and Environmental Report provided by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a non-profit that runs a global scoring system for companies and local government for environmental reporting. 

A total of 965 cities and/or counties received a score from CDP in 2021. Scoring was based on sub-scores from Adaptation and Mitigation efforts by the County. Broward County scored an A for Adaptation and an A- for Mitigation. The CDP score shows that County leadership understands future climate risks and has taken a progressive approach toward achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets and actions. The County must also complete a climate-risk and vulnerability assessment and have climate adaptation plans to demonstrate how the County will tackle climate hazards. The County's score was higher than the regional average of B and the global average of D. 

Broward County has invested in developing tools to implement the strategies necessary to address the impacts of climate change in surrounding communities. The County continues to build resilience within government operations and countywide through coordination with municipalities and business leaders. Looking ahead to the next 50 years, the County continues to plan and strategize ways to reduce risk, protect public safety, stimulate the economy and invest in resilient infrastructure. 

About Resilient Environment

The mission of the Resilient Environment Department is to further the resilience of individuals, the built environment, natural resources and economy of Broward County. This is accomplished by providing climate mitigation and adaptation planning; natural resource planning, management and protection; planning for appropriate land use patterns and housing mix; enforcing environmental, development and construction regulations; delivering animal care protection and adoption services and providing for consumer protection. For more information call 954-519-1270, visit our website or follow us on Twitter

December 14, 2021
MEDIA CONTACT: Dr. Jennifer Jurado, Chief Resilience Officer and Deputy Director
Resilient Environment Department