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Erika Moves On, Broward Emergency Operations Center is Deactivated
DATE: August 29, 2015
MEDIA CONTACT: Margaret Stapleton, Director
Office of Public Communications
PHONE: 954-802-3487


BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Tropical Storm Erika has dissipated and continues its westward movement, taking Broward County out of the cone of concern and reducing the potential for impacts to the local area.
Broward Emergency Management officials will continue to monitor weather conditions for potential flooding due to anticipated rainfall over the next few days, but high winds are no longer a threat, and the Broward Emergency Operations Center will return to a normal Level 3 Monitoring status at Noon Saturday. The Emergency Management Division will continue monitoring any potential flooding conditions in coordination with Broward municipalities.

There are no media briefings scheduled for today. County government will be open during normally scheduled business hours. Broward Schools has announced it will be OPEN on Monday.

Visit year-round for detailed information on how to stay "Ready. Set. Safe" before, during and after a storm, follow us on Twitter @ReadyBroward or Facebook@/BrowardEMD for latest updates.