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Broward Expedites Plans for New Emergency Public Safety Radio Towers
- New emergency radio system expected to be up and running by end of 2019 -

BROWARD COUNTY, FL - Broward County is expediting plans to replace the countywide 911 emergency communications radio system. The City of Tamarac recently approved a Ground Lease permitting the County to place one of seven new communications towers on City-owned property. Approval is contingent on the County receiving certain development approvals that are necessary to build a tower that is taller than the height currently permitted by the city’s Code of Ordinances and Land Development Regulations. The County is spending $59.5 million on the towers and plans to invest a total of $139 million to improve the public safety radio communications system. The towers are necessary to provide the best communication services for law enforcement and firefighters responding to 911 calls.

“Bureaucracy cannot stand in the way of safety. The County has agreed to support Tamarac and all of our cities in all efforts to ensure that the towers are up and running by the end of next year, if not sooner. The County has agreed to pay for overtime expenses or additional costs associated with expedited permitting to get this vital public safety project completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. We know that lives are at stake,” said Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine.

Tamarac City Commissioners expressed concern about the new 325-foot tower after residents voiced complaints about the aesthetics of a taller tower near a residential neighborhood. Towers are also planned in the cities of Parkland, Pompano Beach, the Broward County Fire Department located on Alligator Alley and two will be built in Hollywood.

“The new system will allow police and firefighters to communicate without radio signal compromise or interruption. The County continues to identify safety issues and we’re taking measures to remedy any problems as soon as possible. We understand that timing is critical, and this is one example of our determination to strengthen and improve public safety after the tragedies at our airport and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School,” said Broward Mayor Beam Furr.

The County currently uses ten emergency communications towers. The seven tallest towers range in height from 300-feet to 420-feet. The new towers will be built to withstand Category 5 hurricane force winds. This project will  enhance the County's Public Safety Radio system and improve the County's Regional Consolidated E911 Dispatch System.

DATE:  August 24, 2018
CONTACT: Kimberly Maroe, Public Information Manager, Broward Commission
PHONE: 954-357-8053