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NatureScape Broward Accepting Applications for Habitat Steward Training

BROWARD COUNTY, FL -  NatureScape Broward will be hosting a Habitat Steward Training, January 13-17, 2020, for 20 County residents interested in improving the environment.  The training includes local field trips, hands-on activities, and presentations from expert speakers on native plant communities, the natural history of south Florida and the Everglades, invasive exotic plant and animal species, designing gardens for wildlife, marine wildlife, migratory species, and pollinators. Presentations also address some potential implications of climate change on natural resources and adaptation strategies for south Florida.

Habitat Steward Volunteers are individuals with a keen interest in the environment, and a willingness to volunteer their time and expertise to help others create or restore wildlife habitat. Habitat Stewards commit to providing 30 hours of service within a year of completing their training. Habitat Stewards play an important role in NatureScape Broward’s efforts to create environmentally sustainable landscapes and habitat in Broward County. Many of the Stewards volunteer in their municipalities, assisting efforts to get their cities certified as Community Wildlife Habitats.

In addition to this training, NatureScape Broward offers various workshops throughout the year. For more information on becoming a Habitat Steward or about NatureScape Broward, call Rose Bechard Butman at 954-519-0317 or visit NatureScape Broward is a program of the Broward County Board of County Commissioners–Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division.

Broward County’s Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division protects, restores and enhances the quality, abundance and diversity of the County’s natural resources through coordinated management efforts in five areas: water resource policy and planning, urban and natural lands management, beach and marine resources, energy and sustainability, and environmental monitoring. For more information visit or follow us on Twitter @BrowardEnv.

DATE: December 26, 2019
MEDIA CONTACT: Rose Bechard Butman, Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division
PHONE: 954-519-0317