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Sea Turtles Break Local Records This Season

BROWARD COUNTY, FL -- The 2023 sea turtle nesting season was one for the record books. Preliminary counts from the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program (BCSTCP) reveal that a record-breaking 4,328 nests were documented (excluding the Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park). In addition, 2023 was also the first time in the history of the BCSTCP that record-breaking numbers were recorded for all three species that nest in Broward County. Among the total nests were 3,445 loggerhead, 798 green turtle and 85 leatherback. Previous record years for each species were 2016 when loggerhead turtles laid 3,400 nests; 2019 when green turtles laid 788 nests; and 2021 when leatherbacks laid 86 nests (including the Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park).

Sea turtle nesting season occurs between March 1-October 31 each year. The BCSTCP has been monitoring Broward County's beaches for sea turtle activity since 1981, and long-term trends show an increase in nesting over time. Although sea turtle nesting numbers have been increasing in Broward County, threats such as artificial lighting can endanger the population. Hatchling (baby) turtles are especially susceptible to beachfront lighting because they use light to find the ocean after emerging from their nests. The County, together with local municipalities, has helped many beachfront properties implement sea turtle-friendly lighting to reduce impacts to nesting and hatching sea turtles.

Each of the County's coastal municipalities has its own beachfront lighting ordinance, but most generally require property owners to turn off lights from sunset to sunrise during sea turtle nesting season. More information about local lighting ordinances and a list of certified lighting fixtures can be found by visiting the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's website. Alternatively, you can contact the BSCTCP for assistance with retrofitting light fixtures or for additional information.

November 6, 2023
MEDIA CONTACT: Stephanie Roche, Environmental Project Coordinator
Natural Resources Division