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First There, First Care Conference Celebrates 20 Years
- It's a joint effort between the Broward Regional EMS Council and the Fire Chiefs Association -
DATE: May 26, 2016
Broward County: Lori Shepard, Office of Public Communications
PHONE: 954-357-6944
First There, First Care Conference: Plantation Battalion Chief Joel Gordon


BROWARD COUNTY, FL - It started as a small gathering 20 years ago, but today, the Broward Regional EMS Council and the Fire Chiefs' Association of Broward are celebrating what's now become the premiere Emergency Medical Service's Conference, attracting people from across the country.

Known as "First There, First Care," the conference draws hundreds of first responders and healthcare professionals from the state, and healthcare experts from around the country.

The annual three day conference includes the Chief Mike Haygood Broward Invitational ALS (Advanced Life Support) Competition. This year, 19 EMS teams competed, six made it to the finals. The teams were faced with a chaotic, worst case scenario involving 10 patients, many of whom had overdosed on various narcotics. They were scored for their ability to quickly assess the situation, apply critical thinking and expert medical skills, and stabilize the patients. For the second year in a row, the Sunrise Fire-Rescue won top honors. It's the fourth time they've won since the ALS competition began in 1997.

This year, for the first time, and in a first of its kind competition, nurses from Broward Health and Memorial Regional Hospital competed in an emergency room scenario. Some of the patients who had overdosed were taken to the ER for treatment. They, too, were scored on their ability to access and stabilize the patient. Broward Health came out on top.

Dr. Craig Mallak, Medical Director for the Broward County Office of the Medical Examiner and Trauma Services, says this conference is a great collaboration between the county and municipalities, and is the place for emergency personnel and nurses to learn from each other and from the world's experts in emergency medicine and emergency medical services. Guest speakers include leading EMS Medical Directors from across the country, including Broward's own Peter M. Antevy, M.D., a renowned critical care specialist and President of the Greater Broward EMS Medical Directors Association.

The conference wraps up today with keynote speaker Randolph Mantooth, better known as Johnny Gage of NBC's "Emergency!" fame.

For more information on the conference, visit here.

About the Broward Regional EMS Council
The Council serves
in an advisory role and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding emergency and nonemergency medical transportation services, first responder programs, training programs, communication systems, and other such appropriate facilities and services that significantly impact on the delivery of emergency medical services. It also assists in the development of appropriate EMS standards of care and levels of service commensurate with the needs of the citizens of Broward County and in securing emergency medical services related grants.

About Medical Examiner and Trauma Services
The Office of the Medical Examiner and Trauma Services brings expert and independent medical evaluation to the investigation of deaths that are of concern to public health, safety and welfare of the community. The Office investigates cases of persons who die within its District 17 jurisdictional boundaries from criminal violence, by accident, by suicide, suddenly when in apparent good health, when not recently treated by a physician, while incarcerated or in any suspicious or unusual manner.  The Office also approves the cremations of persons who die within Broward County or are transported to Broward County for the purpose of cremation after death in another state or country. For more information, call 954-357-5200.